Auction Sales

Fine Art Auctions

Major auctions of fine art were held twice a year at Galerie Fischer in May/June and in November until 2016. The auction catalogues contained the following cateogies:

The prices achieved for art works  at auctions were significant for the national as well as for the international art market. Check the highlights of the different categories of the last decade. In 2016 in the course of restructuring measures the Galerie Fischer stopped helding auctions and concentrates on services like appraisals, inventories, art consulting and private sales.

Auctions of antique arms and armour

Once a year - in September - the Galerie Fischer held an auction of antiwue arms and armour. The auction catalogues contained the following categories:

  •     Polearms
  •     Swords, Papiers & Daggers
  •     Armours
  •     Archeological Objects
  •     Firearms & Pistols
  •     Marksmen’s Objects
  •     Asian & African Objects
  •     Paintings & Books
  •     Uniforms & Equipment
  •     Swiss Ordonnance

The prices achieved for antique arms and armour were significant for the national as well as for the international market. Check the highlights of the last decade.  In 2016 in the course of restructuring measures the Galerie Fischer stopped helding auctions and concentrates on services like appraisals, inventories, art consulting and private sales.

Classic Car Auction

Galerie Fischer staged an international auction of classic cars in the context of the Swiss Classic World Show in Lucerne on May 28, 2016. In cooperation with its partners Franks Originale, the  Swiss Classic World and zwischengas, the Galerie Fischer could present an auction catalogue with selected classic cars.